Blog : Smart Connections

  • Office & Enterprise

    Wolfgang Beier Wolfgang Beier 06.11.2020

    Building flexibility into your network concept

    An inflexible cabling system can actually lead to huge costs and extra effort further down the road. How can you ensure your structured cabling and network architecture will meet – unpredictable – future demands, without over-specifying and investing too much?

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 14.09.2020

    Is your LAN ready for BIoT?

    Cabling infrastructure for BIoT needs to support the bandwidth and power requirements of a wide variety of services and devices in different Locations. Learn how you get the most out of it.

  • Office & Enterprise

    Andreas Reckers Andreas Reckers 17.08.2020

    Upgrading LANs the smart way

    Previously separate systems and platforms are increasingly converging, and at the same time bandwidth requirements are growing fast, driven by cloud applications, IoT, Wi-Fi 6 and more. This calls for future-ready LANs, capable of supporting several generations of technology. What do you need to bear in mind when (re-) designing or expanding an enterprise or facility network? How might FTTO help solve some of the issues?

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 20.07.2020

    Is LAN-as-a-Service the answer to today’s network challenges?

    ‘As-a Service’, driven by the ever-increasing use of cloud services and applications, as well as the growth of IoT, has become an essential feature of today’s business landscape. It might seem inevitable that LAN would also be offered as-a-Service at some point. However, there are also a few drawbacks to take into consideration.

  • Office & Enterprise

    Reinr Frenken Reinr Frenken 25.05.2020

    Why FTTO is best for future green networks

    As the digital economy grows, so does consumption of energy and production of heat and CO2. One sustainable possible solution is the introduction of Fibre To The Office (FTTO) networks to connect devices throughout a building at Gigabit speeds.

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