Blog : Smart Connections

  • Healthcare

    Alexandra Nacken Alexandra Nacken 02.05.2024

    The Hospital of the Future

    Fibre To The Office (FTTO) offers a flexible and digital infrastructure enabling you to build the hospital of the future!

  • Campus

    Georges Kazantzidis Georges Kazantzidis 05.04.2023

    Fibre To The Office installation for brand new Eemsdelta Campus

    The Eemsdelta Campus in Appingedam, the Netherlands, brings secondary education, a practical study programme and a sports cluster together in a single facility. With a total area of 16,600 m2, this new campus consists of several buildings that jointly accommodate 1,700 students. The project, which cost some 38 million euros, was designed from the outset to be extremely energy-efficient, 100% circular and earthquake-proof.

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 06.12.2022

    POL vs. FTTO: Wahl der besten Lösung für jede Anwendung

    Clevere Entscheidungen für glasfaserbasierte Office-Infrastrukturen

  • Office & Enterprise

    Mike Holmes Mike Holmes 03.02.2022

    Wichtige Überlegungen für intelligente Gebäude

    Der Drang, Bürogebäude „intelligenter“ zu machen, stellt IT- und Gebäude-Manager vor mehrere Herausforderungen. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit einigen der Haupttreiber, die bei der Planung einer Smart Building-Netzwerkinfrastruktur berücksichtigt werden müssen.

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 20.04.2021

    DICE rolls out for innovative digital ceiling solutions

    “DICE”, an innovative network switch designed specifically to form the heart of Digital Ceiling solutions, is the latest addition to Nexans’s LANactive Fiber-To-The-Office (FTTO) concept. The LANactive XGigaSwitch DICE, to give it its full name, is another major step in the development of our expanding product platform that supports high bandwidth (10G) and high power (PoE++) for smart building applications with flexible, future-proof IT network solutions.

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