Blog : Smart Connections

  • Industrial

    Andreas Reckers Andreas Reckers 23.03.2020

    What could IEC 61850 mean for your network?

    Easier management and monitoring of smart grids– but keep an eye on compliance

  • Industrial

    Wolfgang Beier Wolfgang Beier 04.11.2019

    Realising robust mission critical networks

    An integrated approach to designing and maintaining mission critical systems considering a smart design, redundancy, power and interoperability.

  • Industrial

    Alexandra Nacken Alexandra Nacken 22.07.2019

    Smart Grids: rethinking energy distribution for the future

    Transitional power systems are designed to support large plants that serve remote consumers via a transmission and distribution system that is essentially one-way. Today’s power grids, however, need to be more flexible and configurable, to accommodate changes, increase efficiency, and become future-ready and more sustainable.

  • Industrial

    Alexandra Nacken Alexandra Nacken 20.05.2019

    Are you thinking about network redundancy?

    Have you ever been at an airport and tried to find your gate number or flight schedule without the help of the airport’s digital monitors, website or the app on your smart phone? Chances are high you consulted all the above if you have been at London Gatwick airport last summer.

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