Blog : Smart Connections

  • Office & Enterprise

    Guillaume Angeli Guillaume Angeli 01.07.2019

    The Power of Good

    A study published by the European Commission* stated that the information and communication technology (ICT) sector generates up to two per cent of all global CO2 emissions. Guillaume Angeli at Nexans explains why Fibre To The Office (FTTO) offers a sustainable alternative to traditional network infrastructures.

  • Campus

    Andreas Reckers Andreas Reckers 17.06.2019

    Was Sie über die IT-Anforderungen von Universitäten wissen sollten.

    Die Anforderungen einer Universität mit mehreren Standorten sind denen einer großen Büroumgebung nicht unähnlich, allerdings kommen noch einige sehr spezifische Anforderungen und Herausforderungen hinzu, wenn es um Datennetze geht.

  • Data Centres

    Rahul Rathod Rahul Rathod 10.06.2019

    How AIM helps to recover unused switch ports

    In any network infrastructure capacity planning is important as you need to connect a growing number of end-user devices to as many switch ports. In existing installations, it is far more economic to try and recover unused switch ports instead of buying additional switches. But where do you start?

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 03.06.2019

    Passive Optical LAN (POL) and its impact on the Local Area Network (LAN)

    Get to know the benefits of a passive optical LAN (POL) and it’s impact on the local area network (LAN).

  • Industrial

    Alexandra Nacken Alexandra Nacken 20.05.2019

    Are you thinking about network redundancy?

    Have you ever been at an airport and tried to find your gate number or flight schedule without the help of the airport’s digital monitors, website or the app on your smart phone? Chances are high you consulted all the above if you have been at London Gatwick airport last summer.

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