
  • 数据中心

    Rahul Rathod Rahul Rathod 2019年9月24日

    The benefits of Switch presentation panels in a cabling infrastructure

    In large network infrastructures the use of presentation patch panels mirroring switch ports can be very beneficial. This practice helps protect your valuable active equipment and improves cable management.

  • 医疗

    Alexandra  Nacken Alexandra Nacken 2019年9月16日

    The Hospital of the Future

    Fibre To The Office (FTTO) offers a flexible and digital infrastructure enabling you to build the hospital of the future!

  • 企业网

    Marcel  Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 2019年9月2日

    Powering FTTO while supporting end-user devices and future applications

    The Fibre To The Office (FTTO) concept offers many advantages in the area of flexibility, bandwidth and redundancy. However, when planning a network, we need to take far more aspects into account than these. Because today's LAN infrastructures increasingly serve as energy networks connecting an ever-increasing number of compatible devices, planning for efficient and safe power supply is becoming increasingly important.

  • 企业网

    Andreas  Reckers Andreas Reckers 2019年8月12日

    How will smart buildings help solve the challenges of today and tomorrow?

    The convergence of networks that comes with creating intelligent building networks means IT and facilities management teams need to work together in entirely new ways. FTTO can play a key role in meeting that demand, and facilitating the energy saving, efficiency-enhancing innovations of today and tomorrow.

  • 工业

    Alexandra  Nacken Alexandra Nacken 2019年7月22日

    Smart Grids: rethinking energy distribution for the future

    Transitional power systems are designed to support large plants that serve remote consumers via a transmission and distribution system that is essentially one-way. Today’s power grids, however, need to be more flexible and configurable, to accommodate changes, increase efficiency, and become future-ready and more sustainable.











