LANactive Management Software

LANactive Manager provides an easy, comfortable and secure solution for configuration, management and supervision of Aginode LANactive switches.

All LANactive switches (FTTO, DICE and Industry) are suitable to be managed via LANactive Manager.

Software Packages

LANactive Manager is available as stand-alone version and used as a desktop application for single or multiple users. This installation is perfect for on-site network engineers who are connected locally.

LANactive Manager Client-Controller

LANactive Manager Client-Controller is a client-controller software architecture that is optimized for huge installations with hundreds or thousands of switches. It allows simultaneous access from different clients via client software or web interface and supports the fully automated configuration process Zero-Touch Configuration.

Zero-Touch Configuration

Aginode LANactive Zero-Touch Configuration is a contemporary way of designing, building and operating networks with minimum effort. The use of LANactive Manager together with LANactive switches ensures networks are flexible and scalable.

After connecting a Aginode LANactive switch to a network segment, the switch will automatically link to its controller to receive provisioned firmware and configuration.

Next to Zero-Touch Configuration the LANactive Manager Client-Controller version is used as a central logging and alarming instance for the network. It collects status information as well as errors from the connected switches and can forward dedicated information via Email. Additional feature supporting daily business and debugging functions are optimized on real customer demands.

The LANactive Manager Client-Controller is available for Windows and Linux operating system.

Free of charge Test Version

LANactive Manager can be downloaded from Aginode Support Portal
( free of charge for evaluation purposes. 

Compared to the license-based version, the following restrictions apply:

  • Delayed starting screen for registration key request
  • Maximum five switches can be saved in a database

The following license models are available:

88301908 LANactive Manager Single User Licence
88301909 LANactive Manager Company Licence
88301920 LANactive Manager Controller Licence













