360 System




  • International
    EN 50173-5; ISO/IEC 24764

Aginode FIBREROUTE 360 system provides the basic building block for MD cabling pathways in data centre designs compliant to ISO/IEC 11801-5, EN 50173-5 or EN 50600-2-4. 

Comprehensive Protection:

A special designed rigid surface along the pathway protects those fragile fibre optic links.  Adapters can provide seamless connection between channels and/or fitters, thus controls bend radius of fibre optic patch cords and MPO trunks.

Fast installation:

Installation could be flexible by connecting different channels using fittings and adapters. No welding is needed: all parts could be joint together using toolless fasteners.

Fixing and supporting devices are available for wall mounting, ceiling hanging, under floor, rack mounting and other structures within data centers.

Easy Access:

Move/Add/Change of fibre optic patching could be easy when separated from bunch of copper horizontal bundles. Future expansion and interconnection from different size could be easy by using fitters and Tees available in various size.



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