
Wireless LAN in FTTO environments

Jab Middeldorf Jab Middeldorf 23.09.2021

In this webinar you will learn about the need for WiFi and the status of the latest WiFi technology. We will address specific requirements and options customers have to add or extend a WiFi network in Fibre To The Office (FTTO) infrastructures. In addition we will explain why and how the latest Digital Ceiling (DICE) concept is a smart extension to FTTO.

Topics covered

  • Why is WiFi a must-have?
  • WiFi 6 technical overview and outlook to WiFi 7
  • Special requirements of an FTTO infrastructure
  • Limitations with FTTO in respect to WiFi installations
  • Available options: cabling from duct-to-ceiling or FTTO switches installed in the ceiling
  • Fibre in the Digital Ceiling concept as a smart network extension
  • DICE product, concept and benefits

Über den Autor

Jab Middeldorf

Jab Middeldorf

Jan Middeldorf ist Senior Product Manager bei Nexans Advanced Networking Solutions als Teil der Telecom & Data Business Group. Jan hat einen Master-Abschluss in Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie und verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Telekommunikationsbranche. Bevor er zu Nexans kam, hat Jan als Application Engineer und Network Engineer gearbeitet.

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